Monday, August 16, 2010

Wow I'm old...

So last night I couldn't sleep so I decided to go onto my old Xanga account and go through all my posts and read the comments from my friends. It was so fun! Xanga is a lot like blogspot...well it could be the same really, just a different name. Let me just tell you, I was sooo dramatic back then. Then again, most children are. I say children because when I look back at my 20-22 year old self I was a child, compared to who I am now. What I was looking for in life was a lot different than now. I had no responsibilities, it was so nice! All I had to do was go to class come home and study...which usually turned into socializing.

Now that I am 26 and I am...gulp... older, I see where my priorities in life have shifted. I even compare my wants back then to my wants now. Everything was so trivial compared to now.

I live in a house now with two awesome girls, just living the life, loving God, and encouraging one another. I love it. It kind of reminds me of college and the Whitehouse...

Going back to Xanga... I forgot how much fun it is to blog! I mean I don't know of anyone who actually uses blogspot except my roomie Sarah, but it will be nice to put my thoughts down and kind of use it to document my life. I wonder what I will think of the present me 5-10 years from now. Will the future me laugh at what the present me and think that I'm dramatic and childish? Haha who knows, I guess I'll just have to see.

Well I guess We shall see what comes of this, I might be over it by tomorrow...who knows.


1 comment:

  1. I prefer experienced over the word 'old'
    Also, 26 is YOUNG! In like 5 years we're going to look back and see how lame we were at 26 and wish we were this age again!
    Keep blogging or we'll have nothing to laugh at!
