Saturday, December 12, 2009


So guess who got an iPhone? I DID! It took me like three years to get it but i am finally a happy owner of an iphone. I feel like I always get popular things years after it first comes out. I blame it on my parents who always bought us the popular toy a year after it came out because it was not as expensive. It's ok though.

In other news I am trying to find a REALLY tacky Christmas sweater to wear to a party, anyone have any good places to look? I would prefer a shirt that lights up or even plays music.

Tomorrow will be a fun day. I will spend the morning and most of the afternoon with my mother and go christmas shopping! I am the biggest procrastinator and I never do things on time!

Love you all!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brand New

So my room mate told me that this was National Month of Blogging. I decided I would take part and share my thoughts. I had a Xanga site before when I was in college, but I could never keep up with it. Let's see how well I do for this. Maybe my room mate can keep me accountable.

Have fun learning about my life!

Also... I love whiskerino. I think my love for facial hair sprouted from my father always having a beard growing up. I have never seen my father without a beard, even in my parents wedding photos. My dad has had a beard since he was 15. Anyway if you have never heard of it, it's a beard growing contest that lasts from November 1st to February 28th. They start with a clean shave on November 1st and see how it grows through the next three months. It is really fun to whatch the hair growth and each week one persons picture gets crowned "King Beard". The photos are funny...and beautiful.

Anyway, I do not know why I wasted time blogging about a contest on growing facial hair, when I can't even grow it myself.

BUT stay tuned I will promise to keep you updated.
